Have you ever thought about how alcohol affects us as we age? It turns out, our bodies change in how they handle alcohol over the years, and it’s important to know what that means for our health.

Even if you’re not a big drinker, it’s good to understand this topic because it could affect you or someone you care about. Research shows that even moderate drinking—like having one to two drinks a day—can speed up aging, harm brain cells, and change how our brains work. These effects aren’t limited to just one part of the brain; they can happen across different areas.

As we grow older, alcohol stays in our system longer than it did when we were younger. This can be risky, especially if we’re taking medications because alcohol might interfere with them. Also, our tolerance for alcohol decreases with age, meaning even a small amount can have a stronger effect on us now compared to when we were younger. This can increase the chances of accidents and poor decision-making.

So, what’s considered safe drinking as we age? If you’re under 65, it’s generally okay to have up to one drink per day if you’re a woman, or up to two drinks if you’re a man. But if you’re over 65, there are extra things to consider. It’s best to be in good health and not taking medications that could react badly with alcohol. Even then, it’s important to drink in moderation.

    The good news is our brains are resilient. By making healthy lifestyle choices—like adjusting how much we drink, staying active, and staying socially connected—we can help protect our brains as we age.

    Learn More From Me

    For more tips on this topic and further resources on brain health, be sure to check out my resource library and consider joining the Better Brain Masterclass. And don’t forget to connect with our supportive community on Facebook. Together, we can make the most of every brain-boosting opportunity!

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