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Thorough hands-on strategies for a healthier lifestyle and a healthier YOU! Improve your brain health at any age! Our 8-week, hands-on masterclass strategically walks you through your transformation to a brain healthy lifestyle.
Keys to Brain Health
(What Every Brain N.E.E.D.S.)
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Engage
- De-stress
- Sleep
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Your Brain’s N.E.E.D.S.
The five essential keys to brain health are nutrition, exercise, engage, detox/de-stress, and sleep (N.E.E.D.S.). Overlooking any of these components increases your risk for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
The gateway to either healing or harming your brain is what you put in your body. Food is information. It can either be a powerful
medicine, or a slow poison. Regardless of your age, background, or health status, the time to start making positive nutritional changes is now. With nutritional guidelines, recipes, and meal plans we’ll help you find the best fit for you.
Stress kills brain cells and actually shrinks your brain, increasing memory loss. Unless you learn how to “chill” and release anxiety on a regular basis, you may be fighting a losing battle. You could say that stress is its own form of toxicity and detoxing involves more than just cleaning your digestive system. Your brain needs a consistent de-stress/detox regimen. We’ll encourage you to proactively address stress and toxic environments whenever you can and coach you through techniques to create a your own personalized stress management toolkit.
Exercise stimulates your brain, creating both the growth of new brain cells along with making new connections between cells. Exercise, once again, is medicine! Regardless of your fitness level, movement is a key component of brain health. What’s the best exercise? The one that you’ll consistently do – and we’ll help you find it!
Sleep has been called “the universal health provider.” Proper sleep is needed for optimal brain function. Each stage has specific benefits. Better sleep gives you a better brain. In our program, you’ll learn the Do’s and Don’ts for improving your sleep.
Studies show that people who are 1) lifelong learners, 2) socially active, and 3) contributors to their community tend to have better memories and fewer cognitive problems. We’ll give you some easy options for engaging in all three.
Are You Damaging Your Brain?
More information regarding Brain Health
- Brain Health
- Diet
- Lifestyle
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Are You Damaging Your Brain?
Contrary to popular belief, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and mild
cognitive decline (MCD) are not inevitable consequences of aging, nor are they considered a genetic disease.
Overwhelmingly, it is a result of lifestyle. An actual Alzheimer’s diagnosis typically comes late in life, but early signs of Alzheimer’s appear in almost every adult over the age of 28. Early onset decline can be seen in your 30s and 40s. Currently, 1 in 8 adults over age 70 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia and 2 out of 3 patients are women. And the numbers are going up, not down.
Alzheimer’s has the highest failure rate of all diseases. 99.6% of all pharmaceuticals for Alzheimer’s don’t work. It’s on the rise and there is currently no medical treatment to successfully address it.
Certain environmental toxins can lead to problems in your brain. Out of 287 known toxins, 210 are neurotoxins (bad for your brain). Anything that is toxic for your body increases inflammation, which damages your brain. Damage from toxins begins in your 20s and 30s, even though it may not manifest until later in life.
Unfortunately, we’ve become accustomed to doing things that damage our brain:
- Consuming the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.)
This diet lacks the propeller nutrients and is loaded with processed, refined, and synthetic foods. - Having a “Couch Potato” Lifestyle
Sitting is the new smoking, making us stagnant and flabby. - Excessive Eating
Overeating increases your risk of Alzheimer’s. They say “The bigger your belly, the smaller your brain”. - Viewing Sleep as Optional
One-third of Americans admit that they’re not getting enough sleep. We have not made sleep a priority, which could be disastrous for our brain. - Avoiding the Out-of-Doors
Reports show that we spend approximately 90% of our time indoors, Nature has a part to play in our physical and mental well-being. Lack of exposure is detrimental to our brain, as well as our overall health. - Inappropriate or Overuse of Medications
Some medications are toxic to our brain. Others, when used excessively, can have a negative impact on our health. - “Vegetating” After Retirement
It’s been said that the second most dangerous year of your life is the first year of your retirement. The “socially-disengaged” show a higher risk for dementia. - Failing to Address/Confront Chronic Stress
Chronic stress is toxic to your brain. Reducing it is a critical part of Alzheimer’s prevention. The point is not whether or not you have stress (we all have it), but how you deal with it.
If things remain the same, it doesn’t look good. Experts predict that within the next 10 years 50% of adults over 65 will have some form of dementia. But it doesn’t have to happen. Alzheimer’s is basically a lifestyle disease. You can take charge and show others how to do the same. It’s never too early and never too late to start a brain healthy lifestyle. You can improve your brain health at any age. You can be a part of the change you want to see.