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Did you know that different foods have different vitamins in them? In fact, there is no one food that contains all 13 essential vitamins. I am all about being intentional, especially as you age. When it comes to vitamin B12, it can be easy to overlook, particularly if you’ve decided to reduce or eliminate your meat intake. Vitamin B12 is essential, meaning our body can’t produce it on its own; we need to obtain it from other sources.

In this blog, I want to talk about specific people who are most at risk for B12 deficiency and provide examples of natural foods that contain vitamin B12, as well as fortified foods that are enriched with vitamin B12.

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Everyone needs vitamin B12—it’s important for our entire body, including our brain. It helps protect brain cells, supports the nervous system, boosts energy, and stimulates serotonin, your feel-good hormone.

Some groups are at higher risk for B12 deficiency. First, vegans and vegetarians should be particularly mindful of their B12 intake since it’s primarily found in animal foods. If you avoid meat, it’s crucial to intentionally seek out other sources of vitamin B12. Many doctors recommend that children not be vegans or vegetarians due to the need for careful planning to meet their nutritional needs.

Older adults are also at risk. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing nutrients, including vitamin B12. Research shows that about one in 20 adults aged 65 to 74 is likely to be B12 deficient, and that number increases to one in 10 for those aged 75 and over. This is why your doctor may have recommended a B12 supplement if you’re in these age groups.

People taking certain medications or with specific medical conditions may also struggle to absorb vitamin B12. Medications like metformin and those for acid reflux can hinder absorption. Additionally, certain autoimmune diseases and gastrointestinal disorders can affect your body’s ability to utilize vitamin B12 efficiently.

Pregnant women are another group at risk because they need B12 to support their developing fetus’s neurological system. It’s crucial for them to ensure they have enough vitamin B12 to prevent potential neurological issues in their child.

So, how can you ensure you’re getting enough B12? Here are some food sources:

    • Animal Products: Beef liver is particularly high in B12, but chicken and turkey also provide some. Seafood like salmon, clams, and crab legs are excellent sources as well.
    • Dairy: Milk, yogurt (especially Greek yogurt), and Swiss cheese contain vitamin B12.
    • Eggs: The yolk of the egg is rich in B12, so it’s best to eat the whole egg.
    • Fortified Foods: Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of B12. You can sprinkle it on various dishes for a cheesy flavor. Look for fortified cereals and plant-based milks (like soy, almond, or rice milk) as well, but always check the labels to ensure they contain added B12.
    • Supplements: Many doctors recommend B12 supplements, especially for older adults. Interestingly, research suggests that B12 from supplements or dairy may be better absorbed than from meat or fish, depending on the type consumed.

If you’re plant-based, you must be intentional about ensuring you get enough B12. It’s not found in every food, so staying informed is essential.

If you want a list of vitamin B sources, I have that for you! I’ll be sharing it with my subscribers, so if you haven’t signed up for my free text service, click the link to register. Each week, you’ll receive valuable information about brain health, including the upcoming list of vitamin B sources to help you stay on track with your nutrition.

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