
Brain Sharp Treats

Brain Sharp Treats

If you’re like me, constantly thinking about what you can’t eat can feel discouraging. I’d much rather focus on what I can eat—and sweet treats are absolutely something you can enjoy! You just have to be selective.

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Give Your Brain A Workout

Give Your Brain A Workout

While kids naturally get plenty of mental exercise in school, adults often need to be more intentional about keeping their brains active. Studies have shown that certain activities can improve memory, slow cognitive decline, help grow

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Berniece Hunt

Berniece Hunt

Brain Health Specialist

Berniece Hunt is the founder of Keep Your Brain Sharp and committed to supporting others in their quest for a healthier brain.

As a Wellness Coach for over 10 years, and a Certified Brain Health Professional, she specializes in lifestyle strategies, coaching health seekers on how to maintain, recover and even increase brain function, so they can enjoy life as they age, without missing a beat!

Her husband’s brief bout with brain trauma was the catalyst for her journey into brain health. It led her to the importance of lifestyle changes, which she now teaches to those wanting to fight what many assume is an inevitable part of aging.

A former mentor and Teacher of the Year nominee, Berniece used skills learned from 30 years of educating regular and special needs students to create a brain sharp curriculum.